CCA June Classic Car Sale

Total Sale$2,382,815 
Average sales value$18,329 
Highest sale$86,910 
Lowest sale$981 
# of items offered for sale160 
Items sold130 (81%) 
Lots Withdrawn1  
Confidential Sales2  
Items without reserve
Items with a reserve160 (100%) 
Average price without reserve$4,345 
Highest price without reserve$4,345 
Lowest price without reserve$4,345 
Sale value above estimated value 
Sale value below estimated value 
Sale values within estimated value 
Unofficial information.
One or more sales figures were confidential. Thus, the averages, totals, and other values are a reflection of the known values and do not take into account the values of the 'confidential' sales figures.

Top ten high sales

* - average sale at auction based on historical auction sales data.