Gooding and Company - The Scottsdale Auction

Total Sale$39,662,600 
Average sales value$341,919 
Highest sale$4,620,000 
Lowest sale$4,950 
# of items offered for sale118 
Items sold116 (98%) 
Items without reserve68 
Items with a reserve50 (42%) 
Average price without reserve$77,789 
Highest price without reserve$302,500 
Lowest price without reserve$4,950 
Sales above seven figures
Sales above six figures57 (48%) 
Sale value above estimated value14 (12%) 
Sale value below estimated value58 (49%) 
Sale values within estimated value102 (86%) 
Average Pre-Auction Estimate$304,195 - $386,229
Unofficial information.

List of vehicles below estimated value

* - average sale at auction based on historical auction sales data.