1978 Aston Martin V8 Valuation

1978 Aston Martin V8 Valuation
Perfect Condition
$137,500 - $308,000
Excellent Condition
$74,727 - $137,500
Good Condition
$51,700 - $74,727
Fair Condition
$3,669 - $51,700
Median Sale Value
Lowest Sale Value
Highest Sale Value
Data based on 21 auction sales.
About the data.
Examine the data.

•Average Sale Value : $103,743 (disregarding 5% of high And low sales)
note: The images shown are representations of the 1978 Aston Martin V8 and not necessarily vehicles that have been bought or sold at auction.

Vehicle Valuation Analysis

EnginesMedian Sale
326 CID | 350 HP$107,051 
326 CID | 400 HP$191,950 
1978 Aston Martin V8 Median Auction Sale Value by Year (prices in USD$)
YearMedian SaleHigh SaleLow SaleConsignments#SalesSell Through Rate
$64,960 $67,200$62,7204250%
$3,669 $3,669$3,66911100%
$246,400 $246,400$246,40011100%
$107,051 $107,051$107,05111100%
$261,250 $308,000$214,50022100%
$90,656 $126,500$60,1567571%
$151,250 $155,100$74,72733100%
$36,552 $36,552$36,55211100%
$88,623 $137,500$39,74622100%
$18,688 $18,688$18,68811100%
$145,083 $145,083$145,08311100%
$51,700 $51,700$51,70011100%

Performance and Specification Comparison

Price Comparison

1978 Aston Martin V8
1978 Aston Martin V8 Price Range: $52,245 - $71,840

Compare: Lower | Higher | Similar

V8 Series IV

Specification Comparison by Year

102.80 in.
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 350.00hp
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 400.00hp
$52,245 - $71,840
102.80 in.
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 350.00hp
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 400.00hp
$52,245 - $71,840
102.80 in.
8 cyl., 325.93 CID., 263.00hp
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 350.00hp
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 400.00hp
$52,250 - $71,840
102.80 in.
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 263.00hp
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 406.00hp
$96,010 - $96,010
102.80 in.
8 cyl., 325.90 CID., 263.00hp
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 289.00hp
$115,005 - $115,005
102.80 in.
8 cyl., 325.90 CID., 263.00hp
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 425.00hp
$96,005 - $101,000
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 263.00hp
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 406.00hp
102.80 in.
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 289.00hp
8 cyl., 325.87 CID., 292.00hp
$96,005 - $96,005


How much does the 1978 Aston Martin V8 cost? Is the 1978 Aston Martin V8 expensive? What was the most recent sale of the 1978 Aston Martin V8?

Q: What is the lowest sale price of a 1978 Aston Martin V8?

A: The lowest recorded sale price was (USD) $3,669.00 for the 1978 Aston Martin V8.

Q: What is the highest sale price of a 1978 Aston Martin V8?

A: The highest sale price of a 1978 Aston Martin V8 was (USD) $308,000.00 (highest sale at auction).

Q: When is the most recent sales value of the 1978 Aston Martin V8?

A: The most recent sale of the 1978 Aston Martin V8 was in June of 2023 at Bonhams : The Greenwich Auction where it sold for $62,720.00 (USD).

Vehicle information, history, and specifications from concept to production.