RM Auctions - Vintage Motor Cars of Meadow Brook

Total Sale$10,166,850 
Average sales value$121,034 
Highest sale$858,000 
Lowest sale$11,550 
# of items offered for sale99 
Items sold84 (85%) 
Items without reserve41 
Items with a reserve58 (59%) 
Average price without reserve$50,409 
Highest price without reserve$385,000 
Lowest price without reserve$11,550 
Sales above six figures26 (26%) 
Sale value above estimated value13 (13%) 
Sale value below estimated value42 (42%) 
Sale values within estimated value71 (72%) 
Average Pre-Auction Estimate$105,808 - $138,111
Unofficial information.

List of vehicles below estimated value

* - average sale at auction based on historical auction sales data.