Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is delighted to announce that as part of its Art Programme, a new work by artist Dan Holdsworth will be premiered at the 2018 Geneva International Motor Show, between 8th-18th March. Three cinematic screens will be incorporated into the marque's suite, exhibiting previously unseen work by one of Britain's foremost photographic artists.

In Holdsworth, Rolls-Royce finds an artist with a restless fascination of capturing not only the perfection of nature, in this case in the form of vast expansive landscapes, but also a desire to depict these landscapes in the most technological and precise manner. These attributes resonate with Rolls-Royce, echoing the brand's constant desire to innovate, to advance and to further the realms of precision in each and every Rolls-Royce motor car.

Dan Holdsworth's Acceleration Structures allows the viewer to see Europe's most sublime but inhospitable landscapes in radically new ways through advanced technology, underpinned by scientific research and personal endeavour and adapted to create art. The artist uses photogrammetry, mapping and extracting spatial co-ordinates, to realise a three-dimensional wireframe creating a stunning X-ray effect of three Mont Blanc Alpine glaciers, namely Argentiére, Bossons and Bionnassay. The glaciers are geo-mapped using scientific instruments at the very fore of their field.

Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, commented, 'Dan Holdsworth's work is truly exhilarating. He adopts a scientific and high-tech approach whilst adhering to a personal dedication in creating astonishingly precise and arresting artwork. In the end, you have a resoundingly powerful and awe-inspiring work, which can be admired for its aesthetic as much as for its endeavour. In this I find great synergy and I am thrilled to welcome him to the fellows of the Rolls-Royce Art Programme.'

Dan Holdsworth, artist, commented, 'It is incredible to have been commissioned by the Rolls-Royce Art Programme, which has enabled me to realise this important new work of art.'

Holdsworth, who in a move that demonstrates his extraordinary vision and desire to further an art-form using scientific research, creates something of great beauty and magnitude but at the same time, accuracy. The work becomes scientifically significant, a symbol of the very best of human achievement of its time.

In commissioning this new work, Rolls-Royce is continuing its legacy of creatively contributing to the fabric of the contemporary art world. Holdsworth will join a roster of accomplished artists who have created works at the bequest of the marque, including Yang Fudong, Isaac Julien, Angela Bulloch, Pipilotti Rist and most recently Asad Raza.