Vehicle Valuation Analysis

1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control Median Auction Sale Value by Year (prices in USD$)
YearMedian SaleHigh SaleLow SaleConsignments#SalesSell Through Rate
$110,000 $110,000$110,00011100%
$35,750 $35,750$35,75011100%

Performance and Specification Comparison

Price Comparison

1916 JX6 Double Control
1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control Base Price : $3,000

Compare: Lower | Higher | Similar


How much does the 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control cost? Is the 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control expensive? What was the most recent sale of the 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control?

Q: What is the average cost of the 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control?

A: The 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control has an average recorded value of $72,875.00 (USD).

Q: How much is the 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control worth?

A: The 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control has an average auction sale of $72,875.00 (USD).

Q: How much can I get for a 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control?

A: Expect to get around $72,875.00 (USD) for your 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control.

Q: What is the average auction price of a 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control?

A: The average auction price of a 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control is $72,875.00 (USD).

Q: What is the lowest sale price of a 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control?

A: The lowest recorded sale price was (USD) $35,750.00 for the 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control.

Q: What is the highest sale price of a 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control?

A: The highest sale price of a 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control was (USD) $110,000.00 (highest sale at auction).

Q: When is the most recent sales value of the 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control?

A: The most recent sale of the 1916 Rauch and Lang JX6 Double Control was in October of 2019 at RM Sothebys : Hershey where it sold for $110,000.00 (USD).

Vehicle information, history, and specifications from concept to production.