Vehicle Valuation Analysis

1984 BMW M6 Median Auction Sale Value by Year (prices in USD$)
YearMedian SaleHigh SaleLow SaleConsignments#SalesSell Through Rate
$41,500 $44,000$39,00022100%
$38,500 $38,500$38,50011100%

Performance and Specification Comparison

Price Comparison

1984 M6
1984 BMW M6 Base Price : $41,315

Compare: Lower | Higher | Similar

Other 1984 BMW Models

E24 M6

Specification Comparison by Year

103.50 in.
6 cyl., 210.72 CID., 286.00hp
$41,315 - $41,315
103.50 in.
6 cyl., 210.72 CID., 282.00hp
$41,315 - $41,315
103.50 in.
6 cyl., 210.72 CID., 256.00hp
$55,950 - $55,950
103.50 in.
6 cyl., 210.72 CID., 256.00hp
$55,945 - $55,945


How much does the 1984 BMW M6 cost? Is the 1984 BMW M6 expensive? What was the most recent sale of the 1984 BMW M6?

Q: What is the average cost of the 1984 BMW M6?

A: The 1984 BMW M6 has an average recorded value of $40,500.00 (USD).

Q: How much is the 1984 BMW M6 worth?

A: The 1984 BMW M6 has an average auction sale of $40,500.00 (USD).

Q: How much can I get for a 1984 BMW M6?

A: Expect to get around $40,500.00 (USD) for your 1984 BMW M6.

Q: What is the average auction price of a 1984 BMW M6?

A: The average auction price of a 1984 BMW M6 is $40,500.00 (USD).

Q: What is the lowest sale price of a 1984 BMW M6?

A: The lowest recorded sale price was (USD) $38,500.00 for the 1984 BMW M6.

Q: What is the highest sale price of a 1984 BMW M6?

A: The highest sale price of a 1984 BMW M6 was (USD) $44,000.00 (highest sale at auction).

Q: When is the most recent sales value of the 1984 BMW M6?

A: The most recent sale of the 1984 BMW M6 was in August of 2015 at Mecum : Monterey where it sold for $44,000.00 (USD).

Vehicle information, history, and specifications from concept to production.