2004 BMW Z4 Navigation
2004 BMW Z4 Valuation
Average Sale Value
Lowest Sale Value
Highest Sale Value
About the data.
Examine the data.•Average Sale Value : $9,416 (disregarding highest And lowest sale)
Vehicle Valuation Analysis
Engines | Median Sale |
153 CID | 185 HP | $9,295 |
182 CID | 225 HP |
Year | Median Sale | High Sale | Low Sale | Consignments | #Sales | Sell Through Rate |
$14,300 | $16,500 | $12,100 | 2 | 2 | 100% | |
$14,300 | $14,300 | $14,300 | 1 | 1 | 100% | |
$9,900 | $9,900 | $9,900 | 2 | 1 | 50% | |
$8,250 | $9,900 | $5,779 | 4 | 3 | 75% | |
$10,450 | $10,450 | $7,590 | 4 | 3 | 75% | |
$6,875 | $7,000 | $6,750 | 2 | 2 | 100% | |
$6,250 | $7,000 | $5,500 | 2 | 2 | 100% | |
$5,250 | $5,250 | $5,250 | 5 | 1 | 20% | |
$11,000 | $11,000 | $11,000 | 4 | 2 | 50% | |
$11,550 | $11,550 | $11,550 | 2 | 2 | 100% |

How much does the 2004 BMW Z4 cost? Is the 2004 BMW Z4 expensive? What was the most recent sale of the 2004 BMW Z4?
Q: What is the average cost of the 2004 BMW Z4?A: The 2004 BMW Z4 has an average recorded value of $9,569.42 (USD).Q: How much is the 2004 BMW Z4 worth?A: The 2004 BMW Z4 has an average auction sale of $9,569.42 (USD).Q: How much can I get for a 2004 BMW Z4?A: Expect to get around $9,569.42 (USD) for your 2004 BMW Z4.Q: What is the average auction price of a 2004 BMW Z4?A: The average auction price of a 2004 BMW Z4 is $9,569.42 (USD).Q: What is the lowest sale price of a 2004 BMW Z4?A: The lowest recorded sale price was (USD) $5,250.00 for the 2004 BMW Z4.Q: What is the highest sale price of a 2004 BMW Z4?A: The highest sale price of a 2004 BMW Z4 was (USD) $16,500.00 (highest sale at auction).Q: When is the most recent sales value of the 2004 BMW Z4?A: The most recent sale of the 2004 BMW Z4 was in October of 2022 at Mecum : Chicago where it sold for $16,500.00 (USD).- 2004 BMW Z4 Menu
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