1937 Packard One Twenty Valuation

1937 Packard One Twenty
1937 Packard One Twenty Navigation
1937 Packard One Twenty Model Years
1937 Packard One Twenty Valuation
Perfect Condition
$77,000 - $159,500
Excellent Condition
$55,000 - $77,000
Good Condition
$25,025 - $55,000
Fair Condition
$6,000 - $25,025
Median Sale Value
Lowest Sale Value
Highest Sale Value
Data based on 35 auction sales.
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Examine the data.

•Average Sale Value : $55,492 (disregarding 5% of high And low sales)
note: The images shown are representations of the 1937 Packard One Twenty and not necessarily vehicles that have been bought or sold at auction.

Vehicle Valuation Analysis

BodystylesMedian Sale
All-Weather Cabriolet$70,000 
Business Coupe$25,025 
Club Sedan$49,500 
Convertible Coupe$96,250 
Tourer Coupe$12,750 

EnginesMedian Sale
1937 Packard One Twenty Median Auction Sale Value by Year (prices in USD$)
YearMedian SaleHigh SaleLow SaleConsignments#SalesSell Through Rate
$27,500 $33,000$22,00022100%
$68,750 $68,750$68,75011100%
$53,713 $68,200$39,22522100%
$73,700 $74,250$70,0005360%
$49,500 $49,500$49,50011100%
$42,500 $95,700$15,5007571%
$92,400 $99,000$77,0006350%
$25,025 $93,500$25,0254375%
$49,500 $49,500$49,50011100%
$67,100 $154,000$14,30033100%
$63,250 $96,250$49,50033100%
$20,625 $159,500$12,75044100%
$61,050 $78,100$44,00022100%
$59,218 $59,218$59,21811100%
$6,000 $6,000$6,00011100%


How much does the 1937 Packard One Twenty cost? Is the 1937 Packard One Twenty expensive? What was the most recent sale of the 1937 Packard One Twenty?

Q: What is the lowest sale price of a 1937 Packard One Twenty?

A: The lowest recorded sale price was (USD) $6,000.00 for the 1937 Packard One Twenty.

Q: What is the highest sale price of a 1937 Packard One Twenty?

A: The highest sale price of a 1937 Packard One Twenty was (USD) $159,500.00 (highest sale at auction).

Q: When is the most recent sales value of the 1937 Packard One Twenty?

A: The most recent sale of the 1937 Packard One Twenty was in September of 2023 at Barrett-Jackson : New Orleans where it sold for $22,000.00 (USD).

Vehicle information, history, and specifications from concept to production.