Templar 4-45

1924 Templar 4-45
Original Price: $1,985 - $2,785
Average Auction Sale: $60,500
Median Auction Sale: $60,500
Chassis Profiles
Original Price: $1,985 - $2,785
Average Auction Sale: $60,500
Median Auction Sale: $60,500
Chassis Profiles
In modern times, the Templar automobile is not widely known. Though their automobiles were attractive and sporty, the company had trouble surviving during the post-World War depression. The competition was fierce. In 1920 a Templar automobile captured a record for traveling from New York to Chicago in 26 hours and 10 minutes, smashing the prior record by more than six hours. The company advertised its excellent gas mileage, powerful engines, ability to climb any hill it encountered, and low oil use. A tragic fire in 1921 burnt a Templar factory, and the following year the company declared bankruptcy. A year later, the company was reorganized under new management, but the company never recovered. In 1924 the Templar Company stopped producing automobiles forever.
By Daniel Vaughan | Sep 2010
Templar Models