1905 Royal Model G

The Royal Motor Car Company was formed by the Hoffman Automobile Company of Cleveland. The Hoffman Automobile Company was created by Louis Hoffman who produced bicycles during the late 1890s. The Hoffman Automobile Company produced steam-powered automobiles until they switched their priorities to gasoline power. A restructuring of the company left Louis Hoffman without a Company and a new name for the marque. The Royal Motor Car Company was formed in 1904 and produced its first vehicle which was powered by a two-cylinder engine. This was followed closely by a four-cylinder car. Their cars were luxurious and very dependable; in 1904 the company offered a one-year guarantee 'said to be the first such warranty to be made on an automobile in this country.' These beautiful cars commanded a high price tag, making them beyond the means of many individuals.

During the early 1900s, there were hundreds of manufacturers producing automobiles. The Royal Motor Car Company found it hard to compete and by 1907 they entered into receivership. The company had accumulated a high amount of debt. Reorganization saved the company for a few more years. By 1911 another reorganization occurred and the name was changed to the Consolidated Motor Car Company of Cleveland. It stayed in production for only a few months before being dissolved. The F. B. Stearns Company of Cleveland purchased the struggling company.

by Dan Vaughan