Round 4: Volkswagen In Dresden Looking Again For Innovative Mobility Start-Ups

March 12, 2019 by Volkswagen

Round 4: Volkswagen In Dresden Looking Again For Innovative Mobility Start-Ups•Website for application is now activated

•Topics: Mobility on demand, Convenience Services, Smart Infrastructure, Car & Infotainment, Industry 4.0

•Class #4 will start in May 2019 in the Future Mobility Incubator

Dresden - Ring clear for round 4: The application phase for the coming 2019 summer session in Volkswagen's 'Future Mobility Incubator' in Dresden has begun. With its start-up program in the Transparent Factory, Volkswagen is supporting start-ups that want to push ahead with their innovative business ideas for the mobility of the future. Together with the city of Dresden's business development team and the Ideation:Hub of the Volkswagen Group IT, Volkswagen is looking for companies from the future fields of Mobility on demand, Convenience Services, Smart Infrastructure, Auto & Infotainment and Industry 4.0. The aim is for the start-ups to develop their ideas to market maturity directly in the Transparent Factory. Applications can be submitted immediately at until March, 22th.

The Volkswagen Startup Program is aimed at founders from all over the world. Ten selected startups will present their ideas for the mobility of the future at a pitch on April 12th in the Transparent Factory. A panel of experts will select the best ideas and teams for the 2019 summer session. The selected founders will move into the Transparent Factory for six months from May 6th. After three months, the teams will have to present their first results. If the results are convincing, the startups are to develop their ideas to market maturity in Dresden.

'The Future Mobility Incubator is a complete success. We continue to work together with 10 of the 17 start-ups in the Group to date. This underscores the fact that Volkswagen gives even more potential to innovative ideas.

And that's why we now want to continue with Class #4 in Dresden,' says Marco Weiß, Head of New Mobility & Innovations at the Transparent Factory.

About the program:

The incubator in Dresden is aimed specifically at students and scientists who are willing to start a business. Part of the incubator program is a financial support of 15,000 euros per start-up. The incubator has been in existence since August 2017. The Transparent Factory offers the following support as part of the startup program:

•Contact with Volkswagen researchers, developers and decision- makers

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•Supervision by experts, for example from the SpinLab (The HHL Accelerator Program of the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management)

•Attractive working environment in the manufactory

•IT infrastructure

•Opportunities to test concepts and technologies in real life

•Proximity to the start-up scene as well as financial and personnel support from the state capital Dresden on the subject of living space.

Photo credit: Volkswagen
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