Vehicle Valuation Guide

Our vehicle valuation guide relies on auction data to calculate our ranking system. The data spans more than a decade and is compiled from auctions all over the world. It is one of the largest collections of auction values with over 518,800 values. The consantly growing data collection - when possible - is paired with the vehicles on this website. This includes matching the manufacturer, model, and body style. We also attempt to align the transmission, engine, and coachbuilder whenever possible.

We use verifiable salesroom transactions to ensure transparent, reliable, and unbiased market data.

Market Trend Reports

Due to fluctuations based on a number of criteria, it is difficult to determine a true indicator for market values. At auction, we have witnessed passion and pride raise the price well above its reasonable value. Heavily modified vehicles, charity vehicles, and historically important vehicles tend to sway the market in unrealistic directions as well. We have observed 'Regional Fluctuations' based on vehicles sold at various climates, such as 'the sun belt' and the 'snow belts.'

Auction vehicles that have been well researched, documented, promoted and hyped - or auctions that have been well advertised - attract more buyers and increase the vehicle's sales potential. Does this inflate the vehicle's value or highlight its potential?

So how do we calculate market trends? By analyzing vehicles that return to auction on more than one occasion. Using the vehicle's VIN number, the vehicle's recent performance at auction is evaluated based on its prior results. Using this metric, a more realistic analysis of the market can be performed.

When possible, we also attempt to determine the reasons for the increase in the vehicle's value. For example, if the vehicle had been given a restoration, new mechanical components, or had been in celebrity ownership.

Another ingredient in analyzing our data are our classic car experts, financial experience, and statistical expertise.

Displaying Market Data

When possible, we display yearly averages, high and low sales, high bids, consignments and number of sales. If there is sufficient data, we disregard a percentage of the High and Low figures to give more accurate Averages. We display averages based on 'Body Styles' and 'Engines'. We display all the data, including mechanical details, auction estimates, sales values, and at what auction the sales transpired. Our goal is to provide both a quick overview what to expect to sell or pay for a vehicle, but also all additional research by the consumer or seller.


When sufficient data is present, four 'Condition' rankings are displayed, including 'Fair,' 'Good,' 'Excellent' and 'Perfect.' In short, the subset of data is divided into fourths with the median value of lowest figures representing 'fair' and the median value of the highest figures representing 'Perfect.'

'Perfect' may represent vehicles of the rarest specification, most desirable options, finest working order (i.e., restored example), or celebrity ownership. It may represent vehicles that were sold as 'charity' vehicles, where the donation often exceeds the vehicle's 'typical' value. In regards to race cars, 'Perfect' may represent the most desirable example produced, with the most desirable victories and achievements.

'Fair' may represent the vehicle's condition (unrestored, parts car, drivability) or a lack of desirable features/options.

'Good' and 'Excellent' fall in-between the 'Fair' and 'Perfect' spectrum.

Median Versus Average

Most of the reports on display Median rather than Average values. The median of a set of numbers is that number where half the numbers are higher and half the numbers are lower. In the case of auction car sales, that means that the median is the price where half the cars sold were cheaper, and half were more expensive than the median.

The average of a set of numbers is the total of those numbers divided by the number of items in that set. The median and the average might be close, but they could also significantly different. Depending on a number of factors, including originality, rarity, and provenance, a vehicle of the same year/make/model may sell significantly more than its peers of the same year/make/model. This would greatly affect the Average but not the Median value.

Vehicle information, history, and specifications from concept to production.