1976 Formula 1

Arrow Image Constructors Arrow Image Teams

United Kingdom Team Surtees

1978Surtees 13 Ford Cosworth DFV 3.0 V8TS19

Formula 1 image Carlo 'Gimax' Franchi

Formula 1 image Giuseppe 'Beppe' Gabbiani

Formula 1 image Rupert Keegan 
1977Surtees 11 Ford Cosworth DFV 3.0 V8TS19 Formula 1 image Hans Binder

Formula 1 image Vittorio Brambilla

Formula 1 image Lamberto Leoni

Formula 1 image Larry Clifton Perkins

Formula 1 image Vernon 'Vern' Schuppan

Formula 1 image Patrick Daniel Tambay 
1976Surtees 7 10 Ford Cosworth DFV 3.0 V8Surtees TS19 Formula 1 image Conny Andersson

Formula 1 image Alan Stanley Jones

Formula 1 image Robert Brett Lunger

Formula 1 image Noritake Takahara 
1975Surtees   Ford Cosworth DFV 3.0 V8TS16 Formula 1 image Dave Morgan

Formula 1 image John Marshall 'Wattie' Watson 
1974Surtees 11 Ford Cosworth DFV 3.0 V8Surtees TS16 Formula 1 image Derek Reginald Bell

Formula 1 image Louis José Lucien Dolhem

Formula 1 image Jean-Pierre Alain Jabouille

Formula 1 image Helmuth Koinigg

Formula 1 image Jochen Richard Mass

Formula 1 image José Carlos Pace 
1971Surtees   Ford Cosworth DFV 3.0 V8Surtees TS9

Formula 1 image Derek Reginald Bell

Formula 1 image Stanley Michael Bailey Hailwood

Formula 1 image Sam Posey

Formula 1 image Brian Herman Thomas Redman

Formula 1 image Rolf Johann Stommelen

Formula 1 image John Surtees

Formula 1 image Jonkheer Gijsbert van Lennep 
1970McLaren   Ford Cosworth DFV 3.0 V8M7C

Formula 1 image Derek Reginald Bell

Formula 1 image John Surtees 
1970Surtees Ford Cosworth DFV 3.0 V8TS7 Formula 1 image Derek Reginald Bell

Formula 1 image John Surtees 

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Vehicle information, history, and specifications from concept to production.